Sunday, April 12, 2009

100 lousy grams

Well given the title of this post you have probably guessed I only lost 100gms this week. The title also probably gives away the fact that I am not particularly happy about this.

I've had a hard time getting back into my routine since returning from NZ. I've only been exercising every second day instead of every day and my water intake hasn't been even close to nearly enough. These are about the only reasons I can find for the poor result this week. It seems I could get away with this kind of slip up on my previous level of medication but on this new lower dose it's obviously an indulgence I cannot afford. So, I must push myself back into my routine of 30 mins exercise each and evey day, and guzzling enough water to make an aquaholic camel feel bloated.

I know even the seemingly insignificant figure of 100 grams is 100 grams closer to my goal but for fucks sake! ONE HUNDRED LOUSY GRAMS? In a whole week? That is lame, it's laughable, it's so frustrating and annoying and heart breaking and it makes me wonder why I am putting myself through this shit. Particularly since my lack of a thyroid means that as soon as I am no longer dieting I will stack the weight back on. Getting to my goal weight is not the end of this, it's just the beginning, and by that I don't mean beginnning of a good thing like people often mean when they say "this isn't the end, it's just the beginning". In my case it's the beginning of a life long battle. Forget over indulging, I won't even be able to simply eat like a normal person, ever again. This realisation, one week after being made to lower my medication, makes tonights shitty result an incredibly bitter pill to swallow.

So FWIW, here are the numbers.
Read 'em and weep ... with me.

Height: 160cms/5ft3in
Start Date: 28th Dec 2008
Start Weight: 81.4 kgs
Current Weight: 72.5kgs
Lost this week: 100gms
Total Loss: 8.9 kgs
Start BMI: 31.8
Current BMI: 28.3
Goal BMI: 23.4
Goal Weight: 60 kgs
Goal Date: December 2009


  1. sorry it wasn't more. that sucks but hang in there!

  2. Thanks Carlos, just having a woe is me moment. I just have to hang on and hope that last night was an anomoly and this week will be better.
